VLCC Operations

Project Overview

A VLCC (Very Large Crude Oil Carrier) has poor navigability due to its huge apparent mass and wide vessel body. Therefore, its navigation through narrow channels requires the utmost attention especially when a sharp directional change is required in environments with a strong external force due to wind and current. An advance simulation study would be beneficial when navigating a VLCC through such an area for the first time.
VLCC(Very Large Crude Oil Carrer)

Project Content

A bird's-eye-view simulations experiment was conducted to evaluate the navigability of VLCC that requires narrow channel navigation. In this work, the navigation limit conditions for VLCCs in the target area were examined based on objective evaluations of the amount of maneuvering conditions when navigating in a narrow channel while subjected to external forces such as wind and waves.

Study of Navigation Limit Conditions

Study of Navigation Limit Conditions

We evaluated the distance of separation from the wake edge, etc., the status of hull motion, and the control methods necessary for safe ship operation based on navigational charts generated by birds-eye-view simulations and chronological charts of controlled variables and state quantity.

Bird's-Eye-View Simulation

This simulation is conducted while observing from a planar view (bird's-eye-view) with navigation information and the vessel movement displayed on a screen. The vessel on the simulator responds to maneuvering commands and behaves according to the ship's kinematic performance, which is incorporated in the mathematical model, allowing the operator to feel as if he/she were operating a real vessel.

Bird's-eye-view simulation scene
Bird's-eye-view simulation scene

Major International Engagements

Utilizing the know-how of the entire Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Group, we propose responses and improvement plans not only in Japan but also overseas.

  • Survey on ship types suitable for LNG loading ports (USA)

  • Study on standard berthing maneuvers when entering a port (Philippines)

  • Basic study on the impact of vessel facilities on the maneuvering of special vessels when entering and exiting port (Australia)

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