WIND CHALLENGER | Delivered the First vessel

Delivery of SHOFU MARU, World's First Cargo Vessel equipped with 'Wind Challenger' Hard Sail

The SHOFU MARU is the world's first vessel equipped with Wind Challenger, which converts wind energy directly to a vessel propulsion force through an extensive use of the latest technologies was delivered and started operation on October 7, 2022.

Key Points of this Project

  • The first vessel equipped with "Wind Challenger" technology was delivered in October 2022.
  • One sail can be expected to reduce GHG emissions by approximately 5-8% when compared to conventional vessels of the same size.
  • Multiple sails can be installed on many types of vessels without interfering with any existing energy-saving devices.
  • This technology can be combined with fuel conversion to achieve even greater GHG emission reductions.

Technologies and Services Utilized in this Case Study

Please check out how the SHOFU MARU was completed.

Related Solutions and Services


Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) has developed the Wind Challenger, which converts wind energy directly to a vessel propulsion force through an extensive use of the latest technologies. Wind energy is clean and unlimited. We aim to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions by converting wind energy to propulsion force for ships. In October 2022, the 1st vessel, “SHOFU MARU” was delivered and started operation.

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This is an ultimate zero emission project under the Wind Challenger Project, currently in progress with MOL.
Offshore wind energy from sails is used not only as a propulsive force for the vessels, but also for the generation of hydrogen. We are studying ways to supply hydrogen to users on shore by combining this system with fuel cell, etc.

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Wind Challenger Service Overview

download materials about outlines the Wind Challenger, including its structure and how it is propelled by wind.

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