

MOL is working to improve operational efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions by adopting wind power as the vessel's propulsive force and various types of energy-saving equipment.

Efforts to reduce GHG emissions that we can begin utilizing immediately -Adoption of energy-saving technology-

Compared to other methods, shipping can transport large quantities of goods at once, and the emissions per unit transport of CO2 are clearly reduced. Basically, However, due to the global economic growth spurred by the development of emerging countries, the volume of marine cargo continues to increase on a global scale. Currently, more than 10 billion tons of ocean transportation per year are expected to increase.
The more active cargo movements at sea, related to the inclease of both energy consumption and the more CO2 emissions, deepening environmental problems such as global warming.
The CO2 emitted by oceangoing vessels is estimated to be about 2% of global emissions.
MOL is working to reduce CO2 emissions from ships by introducing eco-friendly ship models that reduce wind pressure resistance as much as possible, optimizing operating routes, reducing speed, and introducing clean alternative fuel. We are supporting environmental measures that can be begun utilizing immediately.

MOL Group’s Pathway to Net Zero GHG Emissions

Diagram of MOL Group’s Pathway to Net Zero GHG Emissions

Service Lineup


Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL) has developed the Wind Challenger, which converts wind energy directly to a vessel propulsion force through an extensive use of the latest technologies. Wind energy is clean and unlimited. We aim to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions by converting wind energy to propulsion force for ships. In October 2022, the 1st vessel, “SHOFU MARU” was delivered and started operation.
We have decided to build the 2nd vessel and it is planned to deliver in 2024.

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PBCF (Propeller Boss Cap Fins)

PBCF is the energy-saving device focusing on recovering energy lost due to the propeller hub vortex.
It breaks up the hub vortex generated behind the rotating propeller, reducing the ship’s fuel consumption and in turn cutting CO2 emissions. Regardless of vessel type and size, it demonstrates a reliable energy saving effect of about 5% and easy installation.



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